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Defining T-Calcs within a Report Format
At times, Univers users may find it necessary to include certain figures or values
within a report format that are not available directly from the Univers database. 
However, the desired values could be obtained simply by performing one or more
mathematical operations to an existing data item or items. The actual
circumstances under which this condition would exist vary greatly between
jurisdictions, but just as an example let’s say that a parcel or group of parcels
may be affected by some external influence that would cause their total value
figure to be decreased by some fixed percentage, say 75% of the total value.
We would like to produce a report that shows the parcel ID factor, the Current
Total Value factor, and whatever that same Current Total Value would be if our
unspecified external influence were brought to bear.  In other words, we want a
report that shows the Parcel ID number, The Current Total Value, and 75% of the
Current Total Value.  Univers accomplishes this by using something called a T-
Calc, short for Temporary Calculation.  They are deemed “temporary” because
any values that are obtained as a result of a T-Calc are never actually stored in
the Univers database; they are only created in the computer’s memory at the
time a report is run.  After the report is printed, the values are not saved and
Univers must calculate them again the next time that particular report is run.  
A T-Calc may be inserted anywhere within a report, and it may be used as many
times as is desired, however all T-Calcs that you intend to use within a report
must be defined before the report format is created.  Whenever you begin to
design a new report format, the Univers program will ask you if you wish to input
any user calculations.  If you answer yes, you will be brought to the Report
Generator Calculations Screen.  Here you must assign a number and a name to
each T-Calc; specify the factors or constants involved; specify the mathematical
operation you wish to perform with them; and indicate the degree of Rounding
you wish to have applied to the result of the calculation.
The supported mathematical operations are: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
Division, and Summation.  To use the Summation operation, the specified factors
must be Numeric factors and they must be of the same Type, i.e. Integer, Single
Precision, Double Precision, etc.  An example of how Summation could be used
would be to add together all of the Sale Price factors on the Permit / Sales
screen.  You would tell the program to use Card 7 Item 22 as the first operand;
use Sum as the operator; and use Card 7, Item 31 as the second operand.  The
program would then add together all of the values in each of the Sale Price fields
from Sale Price 1 thru Sale price 10 and assign the total value to that particular
T-Calc number.
Let’s actually design a simple report format, using the example stated earlier, and
set up a report that will display Parcel ID number, Current Total Value, and a T-
Calc that represents 75% of the Current Total Value.
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