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The program is now waiting for us to enter the card number for the first search

item we wish to sort the records by.  Type the number 1 and hit  [ENTER].  The

program is now waiting for us to enter the item or factor number for the first

search item we wish to sort the records by.  If we refer to our Factor Table

(see p.7 )  LAST UPDATE  is factor number 25 on Card One, so type the number
25 and hit [ENTER].

The program is now waiting for us to enter a BOOLEAN OPERATOR, such as an

=, <, >, or <> symbol; which represent “equal to”, “less than”, “greater than”, and

“not equal to,” respectively.  Since we are looking for records modified on or after

a certain date, we want records that have a date value for this field that is "Greater

Than or Equal To" our cutoff date.  For our example, let’s say we want all records

modified after September 1st , 2000.  Type a “greater than” symbol > immediately

followed by an “equal sign” and then hit  [ENTER].


Your screen should now look like the one shown below.

The factor whose card and item number we have specified may be compared to

more than one parameter. The program always assumes that we are going to

give it more than one parameter for comparison.  It is now waiting for us to

indicate whether we want the specified factor to match all of the given

parameters by typing the letter ”A” for “and,” or if the factor can match any one of

the parameters by typing the letter “O” for “or.”  Since we are comparing to only

one single value, it does not matter here whether you type “A” or “O,” so type one

of them and hit  [ENTER].

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