17 These report formats are user-generated, so the contents of this list will vary, depending on the nature and extent of the valuation procedures that were implemented in your particular area. Two of the most common report formats that should always be present within the Report Generator are the RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD CARD and the COMMERCIAL PROPERTY RECORD CARD. Move the highlight down to wherever the report entitled RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD CARD is located by hitting the down arrow [i] key as many times as necessary. Now look down at the bottom of the screen at the row of available commands and you will notice that the word “Load” is already highlighted (see illustration above). Hit the [ENTER] key once to load the report format into memory, then move the highlight over to the right with the right arrow [g] key until the word “Run” is highlighted and hit [ENTER] again. Univers will now begin to search for the specified records. As it finds them, your printer should begin to print, and the display will show the number of records that it has found, incrementing with each one until it has reached the limit determined by the value set within the SelFil by the END AFTER FIND# field. At that point, the program will halt and prompt you to hit the escape [ESC] key to return to the previous menu. Continue reading the following sections for a more detailed application of a custom-designed SelFil. |